Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Training

The Attorney General’s Office has developed a robust online training program to complement its in-person training options. Watch this video to explain more about this development in our program. The Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education did not request a waiver of the online limit for 2024-2025, so attorneys are limited to 6 hours of CLE credit per year that they can earn online.

To receive credit for one of our online training opportunities, you will need to send a copy of your completed and signed certification form to Angie Ward with the Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education.  The webinar verification form will be provided with your webinar. Additionally, you are responsible for paying the required fee of $2.00 per hour to the CLE Commission.

If you are an employee of the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office, you will need to send Carla Fountain a copy of your CLE certificates and webinar verification forms so that she can record it on the MS AGO database.

  • 2025 Spring Prosecutors Conference – April 23-25, 2025, IP, Biloxi
  • 2025 MML - Municipal & County Prosecutors Conference – July 21, 2025, Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center, Biloxi
  • 2025 Fall Prosecutors Conference – October 22-24, 2025, Oxford Conference Center, Oxford
John R. Justice Grants for prosecutors and public defenders

The federal John R. Justice grant funding, administered by the individual states, is an effort to encourage qualified attorneys to choose careers as prosecutors and public defenders and to continue in that service. It provides up to a yearly maximum of $10,000 in loan repayment for state prosecutors and state and federal public defenders. The aggregate maximum amount is $60,000. It covers loans made under the Higher Education Act of 1965, including consolidation loans.

Repayment benefits are available on a first come, first serve basis to borrowers who agree to remain employed as prosecutors or public defenders for at least three years. DOJ determines the state’s allocation based on individual state population. All applications received will be reviewed by a Selection Committee to determine awards. Awards will be made based on a “least ability to pay” matrix and awarded equally among four geographic districts of the state.

Mississippi Prosecutors Association

The Mississippi Prosecutors Association is a non-profit organization which provides support to prosecuting attorneys in the state. The MPA Board of Directors and committees provide leadership and guidance for training, legislative, and other criminal justice initiatives in the State of Mississippi. A list of the current officers and committee members is here.

The Mississippi Prosecutors Association Membership Application for 2024-2025 is available here. You must register and send in the correct printed application with your payment. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Patty Pettis at (601) 359-9685.

State of Mississippi Circuit Court Map by District

Law Enforcement Resources


Join us for our next Certified Human Trafficking Investigations Training on April 29-May 1 in Hernando, Mississippi.

Visit to learn more about the Mississippi Public Safety Summit, co-hosted with the MS Department of Public Safety. The 3rd Annual Summit will be held May 28-30, 2025, at the Sheraton Flowood/The Refuge.

Human Trafficking Law Enforcement Guide

Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Guide

Learn more about our Certified Human Trafficking Investigations Trainings

Law Enforcement Order Form for AGO Materials

Access the Mississippi Domestic Violence Registry (MSDVR) here.

Access the Mississippi Protection Order Registry (MSPOR) here.

Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Disability Benefits Trust Fund. Through the Trust Fund, career and volunteer law enforcement officers and fire fighters who are accidentally or intentionally injured in the line of duty may be eligible to receive disability benefits. If you have any questions about this program , please contact us at or 601-359-6766.

First Responders of Mississippi - Attorney General Lynn Fitch is proud to be a member of the Board for FROM. This organization not only helps first responder agencies purchase equipment and training that they need but also provides financial assistance and resources to first responders in need.

Are you applying for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency and would like a letter of support from Attorney General Fitch? Email Paul Holley.

Cammie Ainsworth,
Prosecutor & Law Enforcement Training

Cammie has served as the Director of the Prosecutor & Law Enforcement Training Division of the Mississippi Attorney General’s Offices since 2008. Her division develops programs and provides training for Mississippi Prosecutors, Law Enforcement and other key figures within the criminal justice system. In this capacity, she fulfills the duties of Executive Director for the Mississippi Prosecutors’ Association managing the MPA board, including planning and facilitating meetings, policy discussions and developing consensus. Cammie formerly served as President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer of the National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators and now sits on the board as an ex-officio member.  Additionally, she serves on the National Association of Attorneys General Training and Research Institute Advisory Council and is an active member and prior board member of the National District Attorneys’ Association.

For six years prior, she represented the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office handling criminal and civil consumer cases.  While in Consumer, she prosecuted crimes of identity theft and worked to enforce the state’s consumer protection laws, including cases of unfair and deceptive trade practices, participating in multi-state investigations and litigation.  Before her tenure with the Consumer Protection Division, she served as a prosecutor with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit prosecuting cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation occurring in care facilities throughout Mississippi.  In 1997, when Cammie first came to the Attorney General’s Office as a Special Assistant, she represented the Mississippi Department of Human Services and handled a variety of cases including personnel, termination of parental rights, adoptions, custody, commitments, contract and administrative.

Cammie received her B.A. in English from Mississippi State University in 1993 and her J.D. from Mississippi College in 1997.  She has two sons and a daughter.

Contact Us
P.O. Box 220, Jackson MS 39205
550 High Street, Jackson MS 39201