Public Education and Community Engagement

Mississippi’s citizens can play a powerful role in tackling Mississippi’s greatest challenges.  From opioid abuse to human trafficking to consumer protection issues, the Attorney General’s Office seeks to empower Mississippians as individuals and through community groups to be a part of the solutions and advance our State’s best interests.

Consumer Protection

Being well-informed is your best defense against scammers, but even the most cautious consumer sometimes needs some assistance.  If you need to talk to one of our consumer mediators for help, click here to fill out a consumer complaint form or click here to send an email to a mediator.

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Your identity is your most precious possession – protect it with these tools and tips.

Shred+Med+Device Disposal Days are community events where you can safely and easily dispose of documents and electronics that may include personal information to protect your identity.  They also provide you a safe and easy way to dispose of expired or unused opioids and other medicines to keep them from falling into the wrong hands.

Click here for our Consumer's Guide for Storm Victims.

Click here for our Consumer’s Guide to Auto Body Repair.

Click here for our Consumer’s Guide to Net Metering and Solar Power in Mississippi.

Better Business Bureau:  Learn about business professionals before you sign a contract.

Check out the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) most recent scam alerts.

Beware of Census Scams: Watch Video

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery through which people profit from the exploitation of others.  Victims can be men, women, or children of all races and nationalities.  And, they are often not who you would expect or easily identify.  Human Trafficking takes many forms, but it is most easily divided into two types:  sex trafficking and labor trafficking.  It is a $150-billion industry and growing, making it one of the most profitable illegal businesses globally.

Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund: In 2020, the Mississippi Legislature established the Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund in order to provide funding for direct service providers who serve victims of sex and labor trafficking. Miss. Code Ann. §97-3-54.11. The fund is funded by, among other things, assessments for certain criminal convictions and legislative appropriations.

Human Trafficking Brochure


Be The Solution is Attorney General Fitch’s statewide public education and awareness campaign.  It provides training and resources to help Mississippians spot human trafficking and report it.  This is a multi-media initiative that includes both public and private sector partners.

Read more about Be The Solution, watch our videos, and download our materials here.

First Responders and Law Enforcement

All of us at the Attorney General’s Office recognize and appreciate all that our law enforcement and first responders do for our communities and our State.  It is our honor and privilege to support them in their mission to be there for others in their time of need.  Just as they serve others when they get the call, we will be here to stand with them when they need assistance, too.

Visit to learn more about the Annual Mississippi Public Safety Summit, co-hosted with the MS Department of Public Safety.  The 3rd Annual Summit will be May 28-30, 2025, at the Sheraton Flowood/The Refuge. Details to come!

Law Enforcement and Firefighter Benefits and Resources

The next Fallen Officers Vigil will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2025.

Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police

Mississippi Sheriffs Association

Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association

Law Enforcement Order Form for AGO Materials

Opioids and Mental Health

Shred + Med + Device

Shred+Med+Device Disposal Days are community events where you can safely and easily dispose of documents that may include personal information to protect your identity.  They also provide you a safe and easy way to dispose of expired or unused opioids and other medicines to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. We have also added electronics disposal, so you can safely and easily dispose of your computers, phones, and other hardware that may contain sensitive information that could be used by scammers.

Scout Out Opioids

Our Scout Out Opioids program is a partnership with Mississippi’s Scouting community, the MS Bureau of Narcotics, and the Department of Mental Health to educate Mississippi youth about the dangers of opioids.

One Pill Can Kill

Fentanyl is the single deadliest drug on our streets today. For the first time in history, fatal drug overdoses peaked at 112,000 in the U.S. in 2023, and fentanyl is largely responsible for this death toll.  It is cheap to make and easily mixed with other drugs. It is 100 times more potent than morphine, 50 times more potent than heroin, and just 2 milligrams – or the equivalent of 15 grains of salt – can be lethal. Our One Pill Can Kill initiative is a way to educate, support, and empower us all to take on fentanyl and save lives.

Get your free Fentanyl Harm Prevention Kits and Emergency Overdose Boxes here. And learn more about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous drug here.

Mississippi Child ID Program

When the unthinkable happens and your child goes missing, the last thing you are thinking about is pulling together information and photos that are vital to law enforcement efforts to find your child.  The Mississippi Child ID Program will provide free resources to Mississippi parents when they need that support. Learn more about these kits here.

We will be distributing these kits in the coming months. Please check back here for more information.

We created these materials to help parents/teachers and students better navigate the world wide web safely. And you can learn more about how you can help keep children safe from abuse here.

Johanna Beeland,
Public Education & Community Engagement (PEACE)

Johanna is a graduate of Mississippi State University, where she obtained her Master of Public Policy and Administration, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. 


While in Starkville, Johanna’s career in public service began at The City of Starkville, where she served as the Office Manager and the liaison to the Chief Financial Officer, the Board of Aldermen, and the City Attorney. Upon graduation from her master’s program in 2017, Johanna relocated to Jackson, Mississippi and accepted a position at the Office of the Mississippi State Treasurer, Lynn Fitch. 


From 2017-2020, Johanna served as a Marketing Specialist for College Savings Mississippi, Mississippi’s 529 education plans. In this role, she worked to expand the utilization of MPACT and MACS, while also recruiting employers throughout the state to offer the programs as an employee benefit. Ending her tenure at the State Treasurer’s office as the Senior Marketing Specialist, Johanna transitioned to the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office in 2020 to serve as the Deputy Director of Engagement in the Public Education and Community Engagement (PEACE) division.


As Deputy Director of Engagement, Johanna supported the division by working to develop strategic plans to educate and provide information on various topics affecting Mississippians such as: human trafficking, the opioid epidemic, consumer fraud and scams, and much more. After several years of public service and related experience, Johanna is honored to now serve the State of Mississippi as the Director of Public Education & Community Engagement (PEACE). 


As Director of PEACE, Johanna is excited to continue leading the charge in education and awareness initiatives for the Attorney General’s Office.  Johanna is a native of Brandon, Mississippi and currently resides in Jackson with her dog, Lady. 

Contact Us
P.O. Box 220, Jackson MS 39205
550 High Street, Jackson MS 39201